Kobo writing life
Kobo writing life

kobo writing life

We are delighted to hear back not only from authors but smaller publishers, that KWL makes it easy for them to get their eBooks into Kobo’s catalog as well as track their global sales live, so they can focus on what authors and publishers really want to do – create great books. So, after spending several months listening to authors (and using the existing platforms available – remember, many of the folks on the Kobo Writing Life team are authors and are using the various different DIY platforms available), we designed a portal that would not only meet those needs, but also hopefully give them more insights and access to their data in an intuitive and beautifully designed manner. Kobo, a very collaborative company, accepts daily feeds from places like Smashwords and BookBaby along with hundreds of other distributors/aggregators, but many authors wanted to be able to connect directly with us and have tighter control over their prices, metadata, etc. Why did Kobo establish this new option for Indie publishers and authors?Īnswer: Kobo Writing Life was created as a way of removing barriers and allowing authors who wanted to work directly with Kobo to get their indie-published works into our catalog as easily as possible. Question: Tell us about Kobo Writing Life.

Kobo writing life android#

Apart from the unique Tapestries discovery experience and Kobo’s wonderful Android reading experience (which does auto-rotate from portrait to landscape, unless you set a user preference to lock the screen in place), this is a fully functioning Android environment, meaning you have access to all of the apps available through Android (yes, including apps for competitor eRetailers, so you can read your Kindle and Nook library titles on your Kobo ARC) Kobo Arc eBook ReaderĪpart from the readers, Kobo does have free apps for every single smart-phone operating system, MAC and PC desktops. Our tablet, the Kobo ARC is a fully certified Android tablet with all of the tablet features that you would expect, such as a 1.5 GHz process and 1 GB of low-power RAM, but designed with the book lover in mind.

kobo writing life

With a 1440 X 1080 resolution and 265 dpi, along with a unique ergonomic design Aura HD delivers the ultimate crisp and natural feeling reading experience, and the built-in light allows for reading in all levels of light. For die-hard readers who have to have the best of the best in eink reading experiences, Kobo Aura HD provides a premium reading experience for the discerning reader. Our Kobo mini is the world’s smallest and lightest full-featured eReader with a 5” display, great for reading on the go, as it fits more easily into purses and jacket breast pockets. We have e-ink devices such as the Kobo Touch, a 6” Pearl E Ink touchscreen device that the #1 rated device by WIRED magazine, to the Kobo Glo, which, like Touch, can stored up to 1000 eBooks, but has a built-in light that has been proven to be the most even 6” front-lit eReader, allowing comfortable reading day or night. Yes, this might sound like a sales pitch, but there really is an amazing variety of options available in our devices. How does the Kobo ebook reader compare to Kindle, Nook and iPads? Is there a color Kobo and do pages rotate from portrait to landscape?Īnswer: Well, first of all I should explain that there isn’t a single Kobo reader, but rather a whole family of devices and apps – there’s pretty much a device or app for virtually any type of person, matching their own style and preference in an eReading experience. I loved the Kobo Mini’s small size, how it felt in the hand and the clean reading interface.

kobo writing life

Question: At the Oregon conference, I had my first chance to see a Kobo reader and thought it was fantastic. I met Mark at a conference in Oregon in July, 2013. Mark Lefebvre, Director, Self Publishing & Author Relations, Kobo Writing Life. It was a simple process and I wanted to share this with you.

kobo writing life

I met him at a conference in Oregon in July and immediately went home to upload my ebooks to KWL. Today, Mark Lefebvre, Director of Self-Publishing and Author Relations for Kobo stops by to discuss their new interface for Indies. Especially exciting is the collaboration with independent bookstores and the American Bookseller’s Association. Kobo’s Writing Life opens the market to authors and provides exciting new opportunities. Now, there’s another big competitor on the scene, Kobo Books. For the last few years, the best options for Indie publishers to publish an eBook have been Kindle, Nook and Apple iBooks.

Kobo writing life